Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Nanowrimo! [BTW, I'm not dead]

Hey guys! Sorry its been forever since my last post. I've been writing a novel! My creative writing class is trying to write an entire novel in just the month of November, which is why I haven't posted since October. While I might not be able to write my entire novel in just this month, I will be able to reach my 15,000 word goal [as of 11/25/14, I have completed it].
Now I know what you're wondering. What's his novel about?!
Well, here is a quick summary:

So, my two main characters, Alex and Andrew, have discovered they have been alive since ancient Greek times, designing technology with a group called Greek Projects. But, an evil artificial intelligence, called Revelation, is planning on destroying Earth and replacing it with a 'controllable' dystopian-like '2nd Earth'. With Alex and Andrew being the only potential threats left in his way, he will do whatever it takes before he launches his plan to destroy Earth in just two week's time. Can they figure out a way to stop him before it's to late?
©11/26/14 at 10: P.M.

You can check out more about my novel and Nanowrimo project all together by going to I may soon be releasing the (very) rough draft of my piece on here soon, so stay tuned (although for copyright reasons I may not be able to). Thanks for reading, and thank you for staying loyal to this website while I write my novel.

© I items are copyrighted by Fear the Blogger and it's writer entirely. ©All writing and other works produced by this blog (besides certain images, videos, and quotes) belong to the user who has written theses items and is known as Fencer6. © All novel ideas produced in this post belong to Fencer6 as of 11/26/14 at 10:56 P.M. Thank you.
©11/26/14 at 10:56 P.M.

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