Monday, September 22, 2014

Before we get started, does anyone want to get out?

Hey guys, Fencer6 here, and welcome to Fear the Blog! It's a blog for my hit (more or less) YouTube show Fear the Vlog! Yes, I know the URL is fearthevlog, but apparently feartheblog is already taken. :( Anyway, besides the URL, I hope you will really like this blog. I'm gonna talk about a ton of random stuff I'm interested in and my thoughts and all sorts of other awesome crap (that's a thing now). And no, I'm not gonna forget about this website and never publish like many of the blogs on Blogspot, because that I am actually required to for school. Well, actually, in my Creative Writing class we must make a goal that has to do with writing (extremely specific right?) and this is what I chose, to publish two blog posts a week on my blog. So, why haven't I been publishing a lot more then? Well... I may or may not have forgotten about it (...). But, that's good news for you because that to catch up I am going to be posting A TON here. Anyhow, that's enough talking about introductions. I need to start writing an actual post. So, stay tuned!

Don't forget to email me at! Send requests on topics, questions for me, and whatever other awesome crap (I am so gonna make that a thing) you wanna send me! Alright, later guys, and thanks for checking out the site!

The title of this post is a quote from Captain America the Winter Soldier, and is arguably one of the coolest quotes in the who movie. If you haven't seen it, then you totally should. It ties with Guardians of the Galaxy as my favorite Marvel movie, which is a pretty big feat.

Check out the video below:

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