Tuesday, October 7, 2014

FAQ: Why are the posts so bad?

Hey guys, Fencer6 here again with quick update post. I know that a lot of my posts I'm pushing out are... well, a little crappy. I know, I know. Usually my posts are really good quality, as you may be able to see with Video Game Shack, but the first few posts on these websites have seemed really rushed... which is mainly because... they are. You see, in my Creative Writing class, we have to create goals for ourselves that is related to writing, and I chose to publish 11 blog posts over the quarter. And, apparently, we actually have to do them.
I know, I know seems pretty obvious, but this is the first time these goals have ever been for a grade. So, I kind of slacked off. But in my defense I was working on doing the 21 hours of reading and 21 hours of writing I have to do for the same class, so I wasn't completely slacking off. But, this is why many of my blog posts seem cruddy. They were all supposed to be spread out over 9 1/2 weeks but now I am trying to do them all in one week.


Yeah it was pretty stupid of me. But usually I don't put things like this off for a long time. I'm usually ahead of the game (or at least not behind it) but the only reason I didn't work on this was because that I didn't think it was a requirement (not to say that is the only reason I blog here, because trust me, I love my site). Anyway, this is just a long winded explanation of why my posts have been so cruddy. I've been pushing out lots of stuff that is still in its rough draft stage and is quickly whipped together without a whole lot of thought. But trust me, the detailed, through, and better-writing me will be back by October 15, which will be the end of the quarter. Until then, I hope you can sit through my bad posts, and if not feel free to take a break from my site or cruise through some of my old posts on Fear the Games. Thanks guys. Peace!

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