Saturday, October 11, 2014

Kid Safe Blog

Hey guys, Fencer6 here with a quick announcement talking about my Kid Safe Policy:

Okay, I realized that with music cussing is a big thing I have to warn about and take precautions to keep this site kid-friendly, so thus I have to put a lot of emphasis on. Now, just because that one of the songs I listen to has a cuss word in the song I don't want you assuming I am one of those middle schoolers who walk around (like almost all middle schoolers) and cuss a lot around my friends. I'm not. In fact, I never cuss. Long story short, I cussed for my first and last time at Thanksgiving a while back, was grounded for almost the whole break an never have since. While I have sworn never to cuss under my parents roof and haven't since that day nearly a year ago, this doesn't mean I am necessarily greatly disturbed by swear words. I hang around friends who drop and F bomb at least 5 times a day (no joke), not even counting the hundreds of As and Ss and Ds and trillions of Hs they use on a daily basis. I have simply trained myself not to cuss and, while I still am around people and TV and music and music that constantly spout swear words, the only time I so far as reference a cuss word is when I am quoting someone, and even then I just use the abbreviation. I know that was really long winded, but I just wanted to convey to you guys that while I do talk about materials that may use language regarded by some as bad, I myself never say these words and will make sure that this website is cuss free so people of any age can freely move about this site without worry exposing themselves to bad content, which I can't say many other websites ensure.

Additionally, I will not talk about or reference any "bad things" (if you understand what I am trying to say), so I hope that this encourages many families to allow their kids to view this website as they please.

Sorry about the long rant, I just wanted to update our policy so that people of all ages and view content. Thanks!

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