Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Music Tracks 1- Imagine Dragons + Fun

Image result for fun bandHello everybody, Fencer6. Today going to be talking about my two favorite bands- Imagine Dragons and Fun. These two are by far my favorite bands. This is for several reasons. One of the biggest is because of the "deeper" messages in these. For instance, Some Nights, one of my favorite songs ever is a sort of anti-war song. It doesn't deliberately say "war sucks" but it is more of a story of a solider who is questioning why he is fighting, which something that I question about war as well. Not that I'm trying to say I am trying to take sides, although I do see what this song is trying to convey and just like the feel to it. Others from Fun, such as Carry On, talks about, even going through terrible times to just, well, carry on and to not lose hope, all while having an amazing melody that makes it a fun and inspiring song (although in the music video they seem pretty drunk). Imagine Dragons takes a more "dark" approach to songs, talking about the Monster many men have become and how humanity seems to be bringing wrath upon one another and are worshiping money and greed instead of worshiping God and having good will towards men, something way too true about society.
Image result for imagine dragons night visions
Overall, these are my two favorite bands by far because that, instead of being some pop love song that is about as deep as a kiddie pool, these band give messages that people need to hear, showing humanity how terrible it has become and giving everyone hope for the future. I hope this hasn't been too deep for you guys, and if you've survived through this whole post then I hope you enjoy the playlist I created below. I really hope you guys check them out, because they include my favorite songs of all time. Thanks, and stay tuned!

Warning: Music may use the H word, although properly stated, and have deeper themes than most music. You have been warned.


By the way, I didn't include the Some Nights music video because that, although hard to hear, after listening to it for the who-knows-what time, I realized that he drops and F bomb, although not apparent immediately. While it is an EPIC music video and song, and the clean version messed up the audio file a little bit, making it sound weird, I would only recommend middle school+ age students (preferably 7th.+) listening to the music. Since I discovered that this word is included in the song, I have reduced how often I play it, and I advise you do the same. Here is the link:

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