Saturday, October 11, 2014

In The News- Episode 1

Cheerio mates! Welcome to Fear the Blog! Today I have a little mini series that I have decided to create called In the News, where I talk about current world new (not video game created) to just inform you guys a little on what's going on, with the fun twist I like to put in all my posts. But don't worry- I know a lot of you guys won't want to read the news, no matter how funny or interesting, so I will not post these more than once a week. Today's story- The White House Unlocked.

White House Unlocked

Who is arguably the most important man (or woman) in the world? Who makes many of the major decisions for the worlds' largest superpower? The president. And who would you expect to get the most protection? Apparently, not Obama.
When I am at my house alone, I immediately make sure all doors are locked. And I'm just a middle school guy who has a blog with a total of 66 views. But the most important man has the door to his house... unlocked. Yep, that's right. The door to the White House was apparently unlocked the other day, and a man armed with a knife and gun jumped the fence and got inside, and got pretty far. No one was even manning the door or the entrance! What the crap, the most important man in the world has an open door policy!


Not even to mention the fact that several months ago someone shot a bullet with a sniper through the window, and no one found it until a cleaning lady found it several days later. Oh, and there was also the incident where an armed security director got into an elevator with the president, and if they hadn't discovered it part way through the ride the president could have been in serious danger. That's pathetic.

So, yeah. This is the same agency that jumped in front of bullets for all of our past presidents, but now they leave the door unlocked. Unsurprisingly, after all of the unacceptable events, Julia Robinson has resigned. But that didn't stop the line of jokes on live TV!

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