Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Writing Piece 1- Humanities Greatest Tool

Hey everyone, Fencer6 here! Today I have a piece writing that I wrote (nah, really?) and I decided I might as well upload to here for you to read. So, without further ado (that's a word, right?) here is my latest piece that I wrote about writing- hope you like it!

Since the dawn of civilization, literature was a corner stone to the building of an empire. Words, one of the many things every man takes for granted, is on of the most powerful tools at their disposal. Works of writing can carry messages and thoughts far longer than the limited area of vibrations of our voice. Long after one has passed it is their works of writing that lives on centuries after their mortal selves have moved on to the great beyond and paints their eternal picture that will last until the end of humanity.

Hope you guys liked that little piece of micro fiction! Remember, the copyrights belongs to me, so please don't steal it. Stay tuned!

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