Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Nanowrimo! [BTW, I'm not dead]

Hey guys! Sorry its been forever since my last post. I've been writing a novel! My creative writing class is trying to write an entire novel in just the month of November, which is why I haven't posted since October. While I might not be able to write my entire novel in just this month, I will be able to reach my 15,000 word goal [as of 11/25/14, I have completed it].
Now I know what you're wondering. What's his novel about?!
Well, here is a quick summary:

So, my two main characters, Alex and Andrew, have discovered they have been alive since ancient Greek times, designing technology with a group called Greek Projects. But, an evil artificial intelligence, called Revelation, is planning on destroying Earth and replacing it with a 'controllable' dystopian-like '2nd Earth'. With Alex and Andrew being the only potential threats left in his way, he will do whatever it takes before he launches his plan to destroy Earth in just two week's time. Can they figure out a way to stop him before it's to late?
©11/26/14 at 10: P.M.

You can check out more about my novel and Nanowrimo project all together by going to I may soon be releasing the (very) rough draft of my piece on here soon, so stay tuned (although for copyright reasons I may not be able to). Thanks for reading, and thank you for staying loyal to this website while I write my novel.

© I items are copyrighted by Fear the Blogger and it's writer entirely. ©All writing and other works produced by this blog (besides certain images, videos, and quotes) belong to the user who has written theses items and is known as Fencer6. © All novel ideas produced in this post belong to Fencer6 as of 11/26/14 at 10:56 P.M. Thank you.
©11/26/14 at 10:56 P.M.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

In the News moved to new blog


Hey guys! Fencer6 here! So, do any of you remember that blog post about the news that I published a while back that probably 75% of you skipped over (I wouldn't have read it either if I didn't like current events so much)? Well, since I really like doing news stories, but I know that most of my target audience doesn't like reading them, I decided to create a sub-blog only dedicated to news stories like I did with Fear the Games. Like Fear the Games, this blog will only be dedicated to one specific topic, but if there is a major breaking news event I think you'd like I will upload it here, the hub for all of my Fear thes. I hope you like it, and you can view it by clicking here!

Saturday, October 11, 2014

In The News- Episode 1

Cheerio mates! Welcome to Fear the Blog! Today I have a little mini series that I have decided to create called In the News, where I talk about current world new (not video game created) to just inform you guys a little on what's going on, with the fun twist I like to put in all my posts. But don't worry- I know a lot of you guys won't want to read the news, no matter how funny or interesting, so I will not post these more than once a week. Today's story- The White House Unlocked.

White House Unlocked

Who is arguably the most important man (or woman) in the world? Who makes many of the major decisions for the worlds' largest superpower? The president. And who would you expect to get the most protection? Apparently, not Obama.
When I am at my house alone, I immediately make sure all doors are locked. And I'm just a middle school guy who has a blog with a total of 66 views. But the most important man has the door to his house... unlocked. Yep, that's right. The door to the White House was apparently unlocked the other day, and a man armed with a knife and gun jumped the fence and got inside, and got pretty far. No one was even manning the door or the entrance! What the crap, the most important man in the world has an open door policy!


Not even to mention the fact that several months ago someone shot a bullet with a sniper through the window, and no one found it until a cleaning lady found it several days later. Oh, and there was also the incident where an armed security director got into an elevator with the president, and if they hadn't discovered it part way through the ride the president could have been in serious danger. That's pathetic.

So, yeah. This is the same agency that jumped in front of bullets for all of our past presidents, but now they leave the door unlocked. Unsurprisingly, after all of the unacceptable events, Julia Robinson has resigned. But that didn't stop the line of jokes on live TV!

Kid Safe Blog

Hey guys, Fencer6 here with a quick announcement talking about my Kid Safe Policy:

Okay, I realized that with music cussing is a big thing I have to warn about and take precautions to keep this site kid-friendly, so thus I have to put a lot of emphasis on. Now, just because that one of the songs I listen to has a cuss word in the song I don't want you assuming I am one of those middle schoolers who walk around (like almost all middle schoolers) and cuss a lot around my friends. I'm not. In fact, I never cuss. Long story short, I cussed for my first and last time at Thanksgiving a while back, was grounded for almost the whole break an never have since. While I have sworn never to cuss under my parents roof and haven't since that day nearly a year ago, this doesn't mean I am necessarily greatly disturbed by swear words. I hang around friends who drop and F bomb at least 5 times a day (no joke), not even counting the hundreds of As and Ss and Ds and trillions of Hs they use on a daily basis. I have simply trained myself not to cuss and, while I still am around people and TV and music and music that constantly spout swear words, the only time I so far as reference a cuss word is when I am quoting someone, and even then I just use the abbreviation. I know that was really long winded, but I just wanted to convey to you guys that while I do talk about materials that may use language regarded by some as bad, I myself never say these words and will make sure that this website is cuss free so people of any age can freely move about this site without worry exposing themselves to bad content, which I can't say many other websites ensure.

Additionally, I will not talk about or reference any "bad things" (if you understand what I am trying to say), so I hope that this encourages many families to allow their kids to view this website as they please.

Sorry about the long rant, I just wanted to update our policy so that people of all ages and view content. Thanks!

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Music Tracks 1- Imagine Dragons + Fun

Image result for fun bandHello everybody, Fencer6. Today going to be talking about my two favorite bands- Imagine Dragons and Fun. These two are by far my favorite bands. This is for several reasons. One of the biggest is because of the "deeper" messages in these. For instance, Some Nights, one of my favorite songs ever is a sort of anti-war song. It doesn't deliberately say "war sucks" but it is more of a story of a solider who is questioning why he is fighting, which something that I question about war as well. Not that I'm trying to say I am trying to take sides, although I do see what this song is trying to convey and just like the feel to it. Others from Fun, such as Carry On, talks about, even going through terrible times to just, well, carry on and to not lose hope, all while having an amazing melody that makes it a fun and inspiring song (although in the music video they seem pretty drunk). Imagine Dragons takes a more "dark" approach to songs, talking about the Monster many men have become and how humanity seems to be bringing wrath upon one another and are worshiping money and greed instead of worshiping God and having good will towards men, something way too true about society.
Image result for imagine dragons night visions
Overall, these are my two favorite bands by far because that, instead of being some pop love song that is about as deep as a kiddie pool, these band give messages that people need to hear, showing humanity how terrible it has become and giving everyone hope for the future. I hope this hasn't been too deep for you guys, and if you've survived through this whole post then I hope you enjoy the playlist I created below. I really hope you guys check them out, because they include my favorite songs of all time. Thanks, and stay tuned!

Warning: Music may use the H word, although properly stated, and have deeper themes than most music. You have been warned.


By the way, I didn't include the Some Nights music video because that, although hard to hear, after listening to it for the who-knows-what time, I realized that he drops and F bomb, although not apparent immediately. While it is an EPIC music video and song, and the clean version messed up the audio file a little bit, making it sound weird, I would only recommend middle school+ age students (preferably 7th.+) listening to the music. Since I discovered that this word is included in the song, I have reduced how often I play it, and I advise you do the same. Here is the link:

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

The apocalypse is upon us. This is it. This is the end of Minecraft as we know it. Microsoft has- I can't even bring myself to say it. They've, they've-bought Minecraft.


I have no words. Actually, I have a lot. Most of them just can't be written on this website to keep it kid friendly.

But seriously- I CANT BELIEVE THIS! How could this happen?! Notch, you've betrayed us! The entire company of Mojang was sold to Microsoft for a total of 2.5 billion dollars. According to them, the reason that they sold the company was because, quite frankly, Notch couldn't handle it. He was overwhelmed by the major responsibility of owning Minecraft, and he has been looking to sell it for quite some time now. They claim they have partnered with Microsoft since 2012 and that they have a great dedication to the game, and they hope they can give it the improvement it deserves. Honestly though, I don't know a ton of ways they could improve on it. I certainly don't want them changing the entire game, but with a company as big as Microsoft I don't think we can avoid it.


Whether we like it or not, Minecraft is officially in ownership of Microsoft. If Mojang seems so confident in them, maybe they won't completely mess up the game. But still, I have always like that Mojang was a small company owned by just a few people, and was more concerned with the gaming community than money. Maybe 1.8 was the last update we will ever use again. Maybe Microsoft will redeem itself (because after Windows 8 they really need a win). No one knows, but I hope Microsoft will respect the integrity of Minecraft. Even still, something tells me that the PlayStation and Mac versions of Minecraft might not be seeing an update any time soon. Until next time, the is Fencer6, sadly signing off.

Click here to view this post on Fear the Games, my gaming website, where it was originally uploaded. Thanks!

FAQ: Why are the posts so bad?

Hey guys, Fencer6 here again with quick update post. I know that a lot of my posts I'm pushing out are... well, a little crappy. I know, I know. Usually my posts are really good quality, as you may be able to see with Video Game Shack, but the first few posts on these websites have seemed really rushed... which is mainly because... they are. You see, in my Creative Writing class, we have to create goals for ourselves that is related to writing, and I chose to publish 11 blog posts over the quarter. And, apparently, we actually have to do them.
I know, I know seems pretty obvious, but this is the first time these goals have ever been for a grade. So, I kind of slacked off. But in my defense I was working on doing the 21 hours of reading and 21 hours of writing I have to do for the same class, so I wasn't completely slacking off. But, this is why many of my blog posts seem cruddy. They were all supposed to be spread out over 9 1/2 weeks but now I am trying to do them all in one week.


Yeah it was pretty stupid of me. But usually I don't put things like this off for a long time. I'm usually ahead of the game (or at least not behind it) but the only reason I didn't work on this was because that I didn't think it was a requirement (not to say that is the only reason I blog here, because trust me, I love my site). Anyway, this is just a long winded explanation of why my posts have been so cruddy. I've been pushing out lots of stuff that is still in its rough draft stage and is quickly whipped together without a whole lot of thought. But trust me, the detailed, through, and better-writing me will be back by October 15, which will be the end of the quarter. Until then, I hope you can sit through my bad posts, and if not feel free to take a break from my site or cruise through some of my old posts on Fear the Games. Thanks guys. Peace!